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As a visual artist and scientist, I delve into the enthralling nexus of art and science, focusing particularly on biology and ecology. I strive to reveal nature's visuality through its vibrant colors, intricate shapes, and patterns. By converting intricate scientific data into digestible content, I aim to democratize knowledge and pique curiosity, thereby encouraging a more enlightened, engaged, and just society.

In my work, I harmoniously blend different forms of media with scientific methods, including elements such as sculptures, videos, bacterial cultures, and biomaterials. This fusion of art and science, made possible by my wide-ranging background, encourages a holistic approach that transcends 'traditional' disciplinary boundaries. My work with bacterial colonies serves as an example: I nurture these organisms until they produce visible pigments, forming the basis of my art. The resultant photographs, sculptures, and videos explore the journey from invisibility to visibility, broadening our perception and provoking dialogue about our relationship with these species.

My goal is to shed light on our deep-rooted connections with nature, promoting the notion that we are an integral part of the ecosystem, especially when we see these colors. I believe that understanding and embracing this interconnectedness is vital for a truly sustainable future.

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Division of Experimental and Foundation Studies at the Rhode Island School of Design. My work has been shown in galleries across continents—from Portugal to Uruguay—and has been featured in prestigious publications including National Geographic and Ecology.



2019–2021 · M.F.A. Studio Art, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States

2012–2016 · Ph.D. Ecology and Nature Conservation, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

2010–2012 · M.S. Ecology and Nature Conservation, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil​

2004–2008 · B.S. Biological Science, Unifieo, Brazil



2024–pres  · Assistant Professor, Rhode Island School of Design, United States

2023–2024 · Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, United States

2019–2021 · Teaching Assistant, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States

2019–2021 · Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Coalesce: Center for Biological Art, United States



2021–2023 · Hyundai Biological Programs Fellow, Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab, United States

2019–2021 · M.F.A. Candidate, Coalesce: Center for Biological Art, United States

2015–2016 · Visiting Researcher, University of Coimbra, Portugal

2012–2013 · Associate Researcher, Mater Natura, Brazil

2010–2016 · M.S. and Ph.D. Candidate, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil​



2021–pres · Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research (editorial board member)

2018–pres · Ornitología Neotropical


2025 · Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, United States

2024 · LabVerde, Brazil

2024 · MASS MoCA, United States

2023 · Gramáticas da Natureza, Brazil

2023 · Centro Cultural Nacional de Dolores, Uruguay​

2022 · Arteria_Lab + Cultivamos Cultura, Portugal​

2020 · School of Visual Arts, United States

2018 · Cultivamos Cultura, Portugal​


2018 Â· Winner gold: Most Beautiful Visualization. The Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards

2018 Â· Winner gold: People, Language & Identity. The Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards


2024 · Picturing Immigration: Preservation in Progress

            Museum of the City of New York, New York, United States

2024 · Nós

            Diáspora Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil

2024 · Invisibilia

            Rhode Island School of Design Color Lab Gallery, Providence, United States

2023 · Los Colores de Dolores

            Centro Cultural Nacional de Dolores, Dolores, Uruguay

2022 · Collapse

            Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, United States

2022 · Alter(acción) 2.0

            Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Badajoz, Spain

2021 · Alter(action)

            Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal

2021 · Invisibilia

            El Museo Francisco Oller y Diego Rivera, Buffalo, United States

2021 · Comunidades Visibles: The Materiality of Migration

            Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, United States

2021 · Black Cherry 

            Buffalo Arts Studio, Buffalo, United States

2021 · Proximal Spaces

            DesignTO Festival, Toronto, Canada

2020 · Palimpsesto

            Museu Municipal de Penafiel, Penafiel, Portugal

2019 · Who We Are

            Museum of the City of New York, New York, United States

2018 · Naturalizing Immigration

            Northeastern Center for the Arts, Boston, United States

2018 · Presente Futuro: Design Para a Mudança

            Museu do Design e da Moda, Lisbon, Portugal


2024 · A interseção entre arte e ciência 

            Diálogos Transdisciplinares do NANO UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2024 · Ecology of the invisible 

            International Conference on Media, Arts and Interaction, Porto, Portugal

2023 · Ecology of the invisible 

            IMPACT23: Ecologies of Attention, Essen, Germany

2023 · 32 °C 

            V Taboo, Transgression and Transcendence in Art & Science, Valletta, Malta

2023 · Climate change: changing scales 

            Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, United States

2022 · Why biomaterials are important for artistic practices 

            III FEMeeting – Women in Art, Science and Technology, Évora, Portugal

2021 · Becoming (in)visible 

            Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2021 · Good sex: art, science and reproduction 

            Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom

2020 · Ah, squoosh it: decolonizing the colon 

            IV Taboo, Transgression and Transcendence in Art & Science, Vienna, Austria

2020 · Flying on my own 

            26th International Symposium on Electronic Art: Why Sentience?, Montreal, Canada

2020 · (In)visible 

            Coalesce: Disperse–reports from the laboratory, Buffalo, United States

2019 · Dendrochronology of immigrants in the United States

            Global Community Bio Summit 3.0, Cambridge, United States

2019 · Representando a imigração nos Estados Unidos como anéis de crescimento em árvores

            Ministério da Saúde - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia, Brasília, Brazil

2018 · The animal hummingbird

            III Taboo, Transgression and Transcendence in Art & Science, Mexico City, Mexico

2018 · Other colors

            II Trans-disciplinary & Trans-national Festival of Art & Science, New York, United States

2015 · Temporal changes in body condition correlated among species in hummingbird assemblages?

            X Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Manaus, Brazil

2015 · Are monochromatic female and male hummingbirds really identical?

            Behavioural Ecology Group of CIBIO, Porto, Portugal

2011 · The nest of the Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus) is an incubation chamber that does not work very well

            IX Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cuzco, Peru

2011 · Getting even: how the sexes divide reproductive costs in the Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus)

            IX Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cuzco, Peru

2011 · Subtropical breeding patterns illuminate life-history theory

            IX Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cuzco, Peru


2023 · Invisible art 

            Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

2022 · Biomaterials art lab workshop 

            University of Évora, Évora, Portugal

2021 · How do we categorize the world? 

            Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States

©2019-2025 by Felipe Shibuya

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